
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Interview with L.B.

Author L.B is with me today.  L.B.'s  second novel, STOLEN SECRETS (Boyds Mills Press) is published today.  Readers come and check it out!! Link

L.B is the author of two young adult books (and a few not-yet-discovered middle grade and young adult projects tucked safely away in a drawer somewhere.) 

L.B, what have you written?
I have two novels for young adults. My newest one, STOLEN
SECRETS, comes out today. It’s a contemporary story with a
historical mystery, and it’s got a fabulous ending that I wish I
could share, but can’t.
My debut, LEAGUE OF STRAYS, came out in 2012. It’s
available in ePub format.

Give us an insight into your main characters. What does he/she
do that is so special?
In STOLEN SECRETS, my two main characters are Livvy and
Franklin D. Livvy has a photographic memory-- both a blessing
and a curse. The typical brain can forget details that are either
unimportant or in some cases, disturbing. Livvy’s mind won’t let
her sift out any information. Franklin D. is an eccentric character,
who accepts everyone and appreciates uniqueness in himself
and others. He is funny and wonderful and warm, and I fell in
love with him from his first line of dialogue.

What drew you to write in this genre?
I was very connected to my life as a teen, through keeping a
journal and being “in the moment” during those years. I also love
the adventures teens have. They aren’t yet as risk-averse, or
bogged down with too many responsibilities (at least not in
Would you hire someone else to format, edit, or create artwork
for your novel, how would you select them and how much weight
do you put on reviews?

I have been traditionally published so those have not been my
concerns mostly. That being said, I have a middle grade novel
that I really want to be published, so I am considering hiring a
freelance editor to help me get it into better shape. If this book
never sells traditionally, I know a lot of people who used to work
for publishers that are now freelance, so it shouldn’t be too hard
to find qualified, talented helpers.
I love it when readers take the time to review, because it truly
helps spread the word about my book. As far as review content
goes, I understand that everyone has a different opinion, so I
don’t worry about that aspect. When a critique within a review
feels real to me, I do my best to learn from it and apply that
knowledge to future projects.

Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their
No one knows what works. All I can suggest is to come up with a
plan that utilizes your specific strengths. In my case, I like to talk,
so I am focusing on finding spots as a guest on podcasts, school
visits, and speaking at events that might support the subject
matter of my book.

What do your fans mean to you?
Sort answer: I love them! Long answer: I write to make a
difference, to reach people. Fans let me know that I’ve done that.
I have one fan, in particular, who’s become a friend. Fans are
well-read, so if they like my book, well, that just makes me
supremely, ecstatically happy, you know?

Contact L.B.:

Readers, please comment below. 

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