
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Weekend Warriors #wewriwa

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!  Sign up on the and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday.

No one likes it when their family life changes.  This is particularly hard for the Radtke's.  A troublesome boy enters their lives and the children are an endless journey to make sure this boy doesn't get into any further trouble or cause their parents to lose their fostering license.  This is a snippet from my novella, "Oh Brother."


“Well, hello,” said the wrench wielding man. His two front teeth gaped up at me, while his larger than life sneer told me we were in trouble.
He tapped his wrench against his palm, “What do we have here?”
“I'd say we have a bunch of minors up to no good," said the third man.  His bald head gleamed from the summer's heat. He took out a dirty handkerchief and wiped it.
“What ever shall we do with these minors?” asked the first man.

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