
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

#WordlessWednesday (California Trip)

This month has been pretty eventful. Last weekend I went to the Garden Center for Yoga.  I was a bit late so I crept in with my mat and found a place front and center.  I've done this for many years now, but this is the first time I was asked to repeat mantras in a foreign language for fifteen minutes with my eyes closed.  The instructor patiently reminded yogis that people can do anything they put their mind to.  I had twelve of words memorized by the end of the session, including matadori, natadori, senatami, etc. 
Speaking of entertainment, I've been lovin' Matt Steffanina and his dance moves on YouTube. Matt invited Kevin Hart as a guest choreographer, if you can imagine Kevin as a dancer.  Sorta unbelievable. Of course he was adding his spin on things, if you know what I mean.  It would be a dream of mine to meet Kevin or Matt. If you want to check it out.  Go to 

I had my reservations about Kevin at the beginning of his career, but I learned to take what comedians say with a grain of salt.

I also just came back from San Diego, California and decided to write a little list for prospective travelers.

Things to remember in San Diego:

-Pack lots of sweaters.  The ocean is cold and paddling without a jacket at sunset might just give you a chill.  You don't want your lil' one tuckered down at the front of a surf board like a baby bird with their arms slid inside their life jacket, while you do all of the paddling. 
-If you go kayaking on the bay, the person in the lead is probably a bit faster at paddling than you are and may just have you winded by the end. Although, keeping up with them is not such a bad idea as this builds stamina and a competitive spirit.

Some things you might not expect to see on a sunset paddling experience
Drones flying overhead at night being chased by seagulls who follow them as if they were enemy birds trespassing on their territory.  
You may also see the lights to very expensive homes.  This is very pleasing, visually.

Be in the know
-Friends and Family rates at discounted hotel stays may not be cancelled online within 24 hours but if you talk to a receptionists over the phone, they might be able to cancel it for you, especially if you're an employee.
-Also talk to desk personnel when you come in about bad hotel stays you've had in the past.  Say something like "You hope this hotel stay will be a good one." (wink wink.) The receptionist might add you to their text messaging service and frequently text you throughout your stay.
-Compliment air hostess/es at the beginning of your flight on their makeup, hair, jewelry, etc.  This also applies to male hostesses.  Giving compliments may lead you to an extra snack, smile or bag of peanuts and/ or beverage.
-Avoid flight personnel who help customers print their itinerary, as later you'll be asked to check in your too big, bag, even though other flyers managed to avoid checking there's.

Well April's been great so far.  Check back on another Sunday Post and I'll be sure to share even more.


Reading:  Slouching Towards Bethlehem By Joan Didion and The Reason You're Alive, by Matthew Quick

Listening: Food by (comedian) Jim Gaffigan, In the Country (Filipino Short stories) by Mia Alvar, The Lonely Hearts Hotel, by Heather O'Neill,
The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell By (comedian) W. Kamau Bell

Watching:  Siren (Mermaid series),The Billions, and The 911 on xfinity cable.


What Happened:

(Not a whole lot so I'll talk about last week)

Actress Maren Ward was interviewed

Saturday: Weekend Warriors post

Up Coming:
Friday: Interview with actor Luke Daniels, who has narrated over 450 audiobooks, including ones by Nora Roberts and Stephen King.
Saturday:Weekend Warriors 
Sunday:Sunday Post

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