
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Weekend Warriors #wewriwa

Welcome to my Weekend Warriors post.  Every Sunday a group of writers post eight to ten sentences from excerpts of their writing or 150 words of poetry.  To join sign up here :

This is my excerpt from a  Horror story I'm working on called Camping:

One didn’t have to see Piggy to hear him. His loud exhales between each phrase were a part of his asthma that made him carry around his inhaler in his shirt pocket.
“Well, (exhale) I just thought, if we (exhale) could get a phone signal, then we might be able to alert someone of the (exhale) power outage,” said Piggy.
“And who would you have us alert?” asked Terrence, the bully. “Your mother?”
A few snickers all around.
“What does Piggy, wiggy need his wanket? Does Piggy wiggy need swa-one to tuck him in at night?" asked Terrence.

This is an audio version of the story if you have the time to listen.
I knew I wasn't alone in writing and narrating my own stories.  But I came across this site made by a professional narrator who publishes writers' work to youtube.  Submission guidelines can be found at  .  A colleague by the name of Abhishek Sengupta just got his work published.

Readers, please comment below.

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