
Friday, May 12, 2017

Read This? Watch This-Book Tag

THE RULES of Read This? Watch This Book Tag
I.  Create five Book-TV Pairings.
II. Tag your favourite book bloggers/booktuber.
If You’ve Read:  House Rules by Jodi Piccoult 

You Should Watch:  Parenthood
Why:  Both have families with very supportive networks.  In House Rules we have the character, Jacob Hunt who is a teen with Aspergers who is accused of murder and in  the Parenthood drama series, the character of Max Braverman is diagnosed with Aspberger's and his family rile around behind him to support his individuality.

If You’ve Read:  Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
You Should Watch: The Walking Dead
Why?  This is a stretch to be honest because I certainly wouldn't want a young adult reader of Hunger Games to be watching Walking Dead.  But they both have survival elements and fight to the death scenarios. Plus some really cute characters.

If You’ve Read:  Manitou Canyon by William Kent Krueger
You Should Watch:  The Killing
Why:  I love, love, love William Kent Krueger ever since I read Ordinary Grace.  In Manitou Canyon, a wealthy businessman disappears during a fishing trip in Minnesota's Boundary Waters and a detective also disappears. Krueger weaves Native American culture and beliefs through his story.  Likewise, there are detectives and Native American beliefs intertwined in the second season of The Killing, along with an Indian casino and a mob plot.  Might I add that the character of Sarah Linden and Holder would make a fantastic couple.

If You’ve Read:  Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
You Should Watch:  New Girl
Why:  Both are about characters who are embaraking on new chapters in their lives.  Fangirl illustrates characters living in college dorms while New Girl shows the lives of room mates living together.   In New Girl, characters Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston, and Cece make you feel like your not alone when not knowing which decision is the right one to make in your twenties.  

If You’ve Read:  Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass, Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office by Jen Lancaster
You Should Watch:  Ugly Betty
Why:  If you read anything by Jen Lancaster, you know she is the funniest writer around.  But in Bitter is the New Black you meet a woman who has gone from six figures to unemployment and really has to check herself before she wrecks herself.  The same goes for Betty Suarez in Ugly Betty except her story is a bit opposite.  She is starting her career from the ground up in the fashion industry only her fashion sense needs a bit of work before she works her way up.  

This was a lot of fun and took a tremendous amount of time thinking of all the series I've watched on Netflix, Amazon, etc. I got this idea for a post from Aentee over at

I'm tagging Fanni Sütő and Stacy and Mischenko, Writers of  to do this tag.

Readers, feel free to include any shows you think I should watch in the comments below.

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