
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Weekend

Okay, so I don't usually blog about my day to day life.  Although it is something I want to try to do and hey why not?! It's not like my life is so crazy or abnormal that no one would be able to relate to it . . .

So on Saturdays I usually get up around 6am.  This Saturday, hubs watched the Baby all night, thank God.



I got the baby ready for his morning and then I made it on over to my writers group.  It's called Green Line Writers.  It meets at the Black Dog Cafe.  Black Dog, isn't that a cool name?!  It's a pretty hip place and always has music artists show casing their work.  It's kitty corner from a farmer's market so you get every type of person coming in and out of that joint.

Anyway, we usually write for a few hours based on some writing prompts.  This is totally the highlight of my week  because for two hours I get to act like Marta Kauffman (writer of Friends TV show) and sit down with other fantastic writers and write on-the-spot pieces.  Then we compliment and explore what made or or didn't make a specific piece.  (okay we don't actually do a whole lot of discussing) but more laughing than anything (it sorta turns into a stand-up comedy routine).

Then when I get home I usually relieve the hubs of his parenting duty, so he can go off and play cricket.  Because he's an awesome cricket player and that's what he does.

I usually play with the baby for a few hours and read books and watch Booktubers vlog.  And then eat dinner and go to sleep.

This Sunday,( major highlight of my week once again) I went to see a play.  I won't get into the specifics because I may want to write a review.  But I'll just say it was fabulous and the venue was way cool.  I've been there before but this is the second time I got lost and had to get help.  

There seems to be a difference between the way you plug in an address into a GPS vs. the way you put in the name of the place you want to go instead.  The latter seems to be more spot on and will get you there without delays.  But I'm glad I got lost because I was able to tell a perfectly nice stranger that yes there is a play center in the vicinity and yes you should go there sometime if you live in the area.



That concludes my weekend.

Readers, let me know about your weekend in the comments below.

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