
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Disney Song #Book Tag

I'm taking the time to reconnect with some old favorite books and presenting you with The Disney Song Book Tag created by Aria’s Books.  continue reading

1. “A Whole New World” – Pick a book that made
 you see the world differently.
A Whole New World
One book that made me see the world differently is The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz.
2. “Cruella De Vil” – Pick your favorite villain.
Can you love a Villain?  lol.  This was a hard one.  Because Disney characters are the only ones that came to mind.  But I would say of all my recent books I came to like the main character who who a somewhat of a villain is  in Michael Connelly's, The Fifth Witness.  Tammy Trammel is accused of murdering a bank business man and she had a way to get people under her thumb (if you know what I mean).  

She was this really whiny character who stalked people until she got what she wanted.  She even stalked her own lawyer.  I could relate to this character because I knew plenty of people like her in real life.  The fact that she was a school teacher in this novel only topped the cake because teachers are supposed to be moral and she really wasn't.

3. “I Won’t Say I’m in Love – Pick a book you didn’t want to admit you loved.
Gosh, I truly admit that I love, loved, loved Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.  Some readers didn't like it, can you believe it?!! Something about how they thought it didn't have a plot.  But I disagree, I absolutely loved how characters Prospero, the Enchanter and Mr. A.H. tried to groom their proteges Celia and Marco to become great magicians on stage.  The book cover was definitely a selling point for me.  The red, white and blacks colors depicting the night circus will stay in my mind forever.

4. “Gaston” – Pick a character that you couldn’t stand.

I couldn't stand Brady Hartsfield in Stephen King's, Mr. Mercedes.  The character did things that more than grossed me out and left me slamming the book down several times.
5. “Part of Your World” – Pick a book set in a universe you wish you could live in.
Harry Potter.
6. “A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes” – Describe what the book of your dreams would be like.
Gosh. The book of my dreams...I definitely would have to say Little Princess.
7. “Someday My Prince Will Come” – What book character would you marry if you could.

I'd marry the character of Simon from Simon vs. the Homo Sapeon's Agenda.  He was just so romantic and I guess I loved that he wrote love letters, or love emails should I say. He enjoyed everything about Blue the character he was interested in- down to his music playlist and the way his hair was combed.
8. “I See the Light” – Pick a book that changed your life.
Changed my life! This has to be Three Cups of Tea.  Can you believe I was so taken with the Greg Mortenson's work and the idea of building schools for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan that I thought I would quit my job and do the same. 
 You see Greg Mortenson worked in the ER of a hospital and lived from his car in order to save money to build schools half way across the world.  I actually ended up doing something similar and quit my job at a hospital in order to teach across the world  (not in Pakistan) but I did marry a Pakistani (that's a story for a different day).  
9. “When You Wish upon a Star” – Pick a book you wish you could reread for the first time.
If I could go back in time.  I would go back to my middle school years and read Anne Frank again.  But this time really, really read it.  Because that first time I was so inspired.  It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I was like "You mean I can research and find books (by myself) that interest me? And I can find books based on things I've learned in school?"  
It just felt that prior to reading Anne Frank I just read what people gave me.  I read the Boxcar children series because my brother gave it to me.  I read  the TV guide because it was lying around the house, but it never dawned on me that I could do what Anne Frank did and create my own reading and learning experiences.  She taught herself languages while in hiding.  So amazing...
10. “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” – Pick a book with some kind of monarchy in it.
How about The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
11. “Colors of the Wind” – Pick a book with a beautiful colorful cover.
The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  This book has such a soft yellow hew on the front.  The cover doesn't necessarily say a lot about the book's but it's still memorable, maybe even more memorable because what lays in store.
I'm tagging Mckenzie over  @   The Write game and Anthezar    @
Readers, if you want to name any books that come to mind based on these questions, or want to volunteer to be tagged sometime, let me know in the comments below.  (tagging fellow bloggers is a great way to keep in touch with your followers)


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