
Friday, April 7, 2017

F is for Finding Free events #AtoZchallenge via @trincarl

As Promised, I'm letting readers know where they can find FREE events nationally. FREE, can you believe it!  

Readers you have got to jump on board with this.

This is part of my #AtoZchallenge and writing a post everyday (except Sundays) for the month of April.  My theme this year is anything Writer(ly).  I love going to events.  This helps with generating ideas for my writing.

So without further ado, these are the steps.

Step 1

Step 2
Enter the City you live in or the State
and enter the date you'd like to see an event along with the price range.  I usually insert Free to the Next lowest dollar amount which is like $10

Step 3
Step Back and be pleasantly surprised by the numerous events that pop up in your Area.

You can also create an event and let people know about what's going on in your area.

Readers, if you have any comments or if you know of some other great sites, let me know in the comments below.  I know their are also sites like Goldstar and Groupon which showcase bargain events.  But maybe you know something I don't know.

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