
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Joining me today is New Zealand writer, J.B. Reynolds

J.B. is a writer of humorous short fiction in which tragedy meets comedy and character reigns supreme.

He can be contacted on facebook or

J.B. Reynolds Pictured (above)
So J.B, what genres do you write?
I'm currently working on a series of short stories which I am self publishing. I would call them humorous, contemporary fiction, but I have some other story ideas which I guess would be speculative fiction and a couple of sci-fi story ideas. I also have an idea for a fantasy novel, so yeah - mixed genres is definitely where I'm at.

What is the hardest thing about writing?
For me, it’s been finding the time. I’ve got young children and a demanding job, and I never seemed to have the time. So I decided I had to make the time. I made a decision last year to get up at 5.00 am every morning before work to write. Now I get up at 4.45 am, seven days a week. Since I’ve managed to establish that routine, the writing hasn’t been particularly difficult. It’s been slow, and that’s something I’ve struggled with, but you just have to keep chipping away, doing a little something every day.

Is there any marketing technique you used that had an immediate impact on your sales figures?
The best thing I have done so far has been making the first book in my short story series, The Golden Cockroach, permafree at all the major ebook stores. I started to get downloads from people finding it through organic search. The next book in the series is available for free if people sign up to my mailing list. So the platform is there, and now the best thing I can do is write more stories.

Permafree? That's a new term for me. I found a site that goes in depth with how Amazon does Permafree books vs. Smashwords and other book sellers.

I also had a chance to read your short story, Square Pegs.
"Through a crack in the curtains, he could see the front door to the adjoining flat was wide open. He detested the gang of troubled young people who lived there."
Something about this excerpt reminded me of "A Man called Ove." An ill tempered, retiree Ove spends his time reinforcing block association rules.

Do you ever get Writer’s Block, and do you have any tips for getting through it?
I haven’t encountered writer’s block as yet. Here’s hoping I won’t. I think people often get stuck in the mucky middle of things, unsure of where their story is going. Writing a good outline before you start helps with that.
Write an outline, eh?
Man, I'm such a pantzer. I'm afraid if I write an outline, I'll be stuck in a little box and I'm claustrophobic!! I'm sure it works for some people though.

Where do you see publishing going in the future?
I see continued growth for indie publishing for a long time yet. I think there’ll always be a place for traditional publishing, but I think the market share is going to shrink. I think there’ll be continued growth on mobile platforms, especially as mobile penetration increases in developing countries. I think there are big opportunities in audio book publishing and foreign language translations, and when we get colour e-ink screens, coupled with long battery life and affordable pricing, I think many more people will be tempted to purchase a dedicated e-reader.

Colour e-ink screens, long battery life... We were lucky if we got to play Mario typing in keyboard class back in the day. My eleven year old niece says everyone in her classroom has access to a chromebook, just think about that!
I think the future looks rosy, but it’s always going to be a challenge to stand out from the crowd

What is your favourite quote?
I’m not much of a quote person. The one that always springs to mind when I get asked this question is “Even a stopped clock tells the right time, twice a day”, from the movie Withnail and I, mostly because it was sampled on an album I spent many happy hours listening to in the nineties; Orbital 2 by Orbital. It’s been stuck in my head ever since.

***A clip (above)of Best Moments from Withnail and I

That's all the time we have today folks. I wish we had more time to chat, Reynolds.
Me too.
Readers, if you have any questions for J.B. Reynolds let him know in the contacts below. His short story Riding Shot Gun is also available free, just visit his blog and tell him where to send it.


  1. Wow! Thanks, Trin! I loved the little video clips, especially the one from Withnail & I! I haven't watched it for years but must do so again.

    1. Great having you on my blog J.B. stop by anytime.

  2. Great interview. Admire the determination - all those early mornings.

  3. Really nice interview Trin. I like the addition of the Video clips.

  4. Thanks M Neu. Your blog ain't too shabby itself.

