
Friday, March 17, 2017

Interview with Jack Thanatos

Theglobaldig is committed to digging up and finding great writers globally.  Today I'm interviewing author Jack Thanatos whose many thought provoking insights can be found on Twitter,Facebook,Goodreads . Jack is the writer of the Djinn Trial fantasy series.  He's a visionary of fictional existence a specter of reality.

So Jack, what have you written?
I have 5 novels out at the moment.
Three belong to The Gods of Chaos urban fantasy series: Dreaming, Netherworld, and Purgatory. This story follows the main protagonists, Jack and Deny, into the world of the Djinn.
Dreaming is the introduction, and mixes in Jack’s small city life infused with Deny’s gang influences with the metaphysical world that the Djinn are about to bring him up to speed in. The Djinn love to use the Dreaming as their vehicle to interact with those who haven’t been inducted into their ranks, so Jack and Deny get a crash course through this less-than-tangible realm.
Netherworld is the second entry, and brings Jack and his best friend Deny into the transitional realm between Reality and the places only the dead should go. This nightmarish realm makes Jack and Deny question what they really got themselves into when agreeing to join the Djinn.
Purgatory is the third entry. Jack and Deny feel that the rough ride through Netherworld was harsh, but what has yet to come will test their limits. Purgatory is the Djinn equivalent of the spirit realm, which overlaps Reality. Jack and Deny gain the ability to see just how many souls inhabit this realm and begin to understand why they had been tapped. Their world will never be the same.
I have two novels in The Djinn Trials series: Azazel & Belial and Poacher Hunters. This collection inhabits the same Djinn Universe as The Gods of Chaos, but focuses on different characters and genres. In addition to two novels, I have a series of short stories in The Djinn Trials anthology, some of which can be found here:
Azazel & Belial is a combination of two stories and both are high adrenaline violent thrillers. Mephistopheles has introduced the alcoholic, Tommy, in Azazel, forcing him to confront all the sins of his past. And in Belial, Mephistopheles grants the gangbanger, Johnny, the gift that is a curse, the ability to smell guilt coming from others.
I had a chance to read your novel Azazel & Belial and I pulled out some great lines:
"His (Thomas') primary calories were consumed from the gut punishing disgustingly cheap Dimitri Gin."
"Sinai City, located just a few blocks away from Azazel's financial institution where he built a modest rainy day fun.  One day it disappeared from the computers but the manager couldn't provide any information about who performed the withdrawal."
***The Sinai City Bank case reminds me of the Salami Embezzlement Technique.  It's a new bank robbing trend where bank employees embezzle sums by stealing tiny amounts of money from many accounts.  Sometimes this can be stealing one penny from a person's account everyday. Read More

I just thought I'd throw that out there. Continue. What else have you written?

My action adventure, Poacher Hunters, follows both stories of Azazel and Belial, bringing together characters from both stories. As the title suggests, Belial and Eris (from Azazel) are sent on their first mission together to combat a ring of human traffickers and poachers. This wild ride runs through three continents with Belial and Eris discovering the problem is far greater than they could have ever imagined.

What is your favourite motivational phrase.
It’s simple. Don’t be a douche bag.

What is your favourite quote?
“Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.”
Edward Blake, Watchmen

What is your favourite movie and why?
I have many, but if I had to choose one, it would probably be Fight Club. I loved how the first time I watched it, I had one perspective of the story. After seeing what was really going on, the second viewing was completely different and the reactions to the supporting cast all made complete sense.
I always wanted to create a story that had that sort of impact.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Stop listening to loud music, you asshole. Your ears will thank you in 20 years. Oh, and don’t let your sister move in with you back in California. She won’t learn her lesson.
Oh lordy, let me guess... you got siblings who like to take advantage of you too?! Gotta love em’, but do we really got to still live with them too?! Is all I’ve got to say about that.

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Morgan Freeman. I just want to thank him for being a good God.

Lol, you must be referring to the movies, Bruce Almighty and Evan Almighty.

Last question, I promise. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Write for yourself and write about what you like. Write something that’s actually worth reading. And if you actually wish to proceed with the author route, be prepared for a rough ride.
I’m going on four years into this game and have yet to figure out the rules of the game. If this doesn’t scare you off, then just make sure what you write is something there is an audience for. Publishing is the easy part. Finding your audience takes a lot of hard work and extensive marketing with minimal pay, that is unless you win the literary lotto. So, just make sure what you put out there is something you want others to read, and not just something you’re trying to make money from.
That's all the time we have today folks. Readers if you have any questions for Jack let him know in the comments below.

More ways to contact Jack Thanatos:
All books:

1 comment:

  1. Hey. I've read all your books and find them thrillingly exciting nail biting roller coaster fun.The mind of an author is to me an amazing fascinating place and would like to know how when and what made you come up with this other worldly yet still real world stories?

