
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Anthezar visits Trin Carl's blog

As part of my commitment to bringing you even more great writers, today I'm interviewing New Jersey author, Brittany N. Gonzalez aka, Anthezar, whose many thought provoking insights can be found on twitter, goodreads, facebook, or wattpad.

So Anthezar... or Anthy for the sake of this interview, what are your ambitions for your writing career?
I’m not sure I’d call it ambitions so much as I would call it desires. I want to keep writing. I have lots of stories to tell, lots of struggles to illuminate, and lots of characters to tell people about.

I, of course, would love for people to enjoy them as much as I do. But I want to have a shelf full of novels that I wrote with my name on them in my room and in the homes of others.

Which writers inspire you?
Some of my favorite authors are Patricia C. Wrede, J.K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, Christopher Paolini, Hayao Miyazaki (not a novel writer, but a huge influence nonetheless), Hiromu Arakawa, Yuki Midorikawa, Julietta Suzuki, and so many more.

My Dad always said to me that you can’t create out of a vacuum. Ideas come from everywhere, whether it be another book, a movie, a TV series, a song, a picture, or even your own experiences. For me, lots of ideas come from anime. I also love other cultures and the diversity of humans.
So, what have you written?
I have one fantasy novel published, called Beyond the Alluring Sky. I also have a short story published, but it’s been so long since I wrote that I want to someday expand it into a full length novel. I have plenty of unfinished stories that I’m working on completing.
I’ve also written lots of fanfiction under the fandoms of Teen Titans and Harry Potter, which are free to read. I love writing fantasy, supernatural/paranormal, father/son relationships, deep friendships, and romance. What I enjoy writing the most is the interactions between characters and their growth in the face of hardship.
In my novel, Beyond the Alluring Sky, the main character is Kei, a seventeen year old boy living in a harsh world where slavers can steal anyone off the streets. He’s on his own, trying to survive. Though his greatest wish is to leave the city, he can’t because of the immense cost. He makes it even more difficult for himself because he saves kids from the slavers and helps his friend support them. It’s through this that he meets the other main character, Sky.
Anthy,what are you currently working on and what is it about?
I’m currently working on the next book in my fantasy series, Beyond, continuing the adventure of Kei and Sky. Without spoiling too much of the first, it immediately picks up where the first leaves off and it explores the darker secrets of the city.
I also have three other novels in the works that have been partly finished. And on top of that, I have two fanfiction stories that I have fans waiting for me to complete. One thing I can say is I have plenty to keep me busy, haha.
Yes, I read your other story Prince and the Time keeper. I can totally relate to the character of Sophie and having to move so many times.  This is the story of my life.  I've moved like fifteen times since I was eighteen, and no, my family is not in the military (laughs to self).  I just like new environments I guess.  My mom could also be called a walking nomad.   

This paragraph from your book stayed with me "His dark violet eyes were filled with ferociousness and Sophie began to feel frightened.  She was about to break in a run when a man shoved a boy so hard out the door that he fell to the ground." (Such anger, such emotion, it makes me want to defend the boy and shout at the man).
What drew you to write in this genre?
Stories and characters have always been a part of my life, ever since I was a little girl. I have always loved fantasy – things that make the world a little more brilliant. I used to write more romance in my stories, but some of that has since faded.
I enjoy writing strong relationships without it always turning to romance. That’s not to say I won’t write it, because it happens, so long as it’s a natural turn. But I find there’s something drawing about intense, strong friendships/mentor ships.
I agree with that.  I suppose that's why I write contemporary fiction, there's something about revealing the complexities of relationships that draws me in as a writer.
Looking closer at your novels/stories, how much research do you do?
For me, research is natural and fluid. If I don’t know something, I’ll look it up. Then, I’ll go back to work. I’ll collect pictures of scenery and characters to help me. A lot of my research comes more as I’m searching for inspiration from different sources.
For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?

I think all writers love the feel of a traditional book in their hands. I have always loved books, but I have loved reading off my small phone a lot as well. I find I can read faster when my eyes don’t have to flick back and forth too far. I am constantly scrolling, though. Haha. However, when I’m deep in the writing process, it’s hard for me to sit down and read. But when I am reading, it’s a huge amount. I can go through a million words in a week.
A million words a week! My goodness I wish I could do that, it would make my work go so much faster.
Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?
Oh, I definitely think that’s the case. As much as we writers don’t want it to be so, people are drawn to beautiful covers. Some people will buy a book simply because of a beautiful cover. Thus, for myself, I am willing to pay for a professional cover. It’s so important. Plus, there’s nothing like holding your own book in your hands and seeing how beautiful it looks.
What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing against being published or the other way around?
I have learned that if a publisher doesn’t think you’re going to be a best seller, then you still have to do your own marketing. Since my style is different than mainstream expectations (they won’t even look at a newbie novel with 139,000 words), I doubt they’d even give my novel a chance. But I have a story to tell and I know how I want to tell it. I’d have to do my own marketing anyway. I might as well get 70% of the royalties.
For those lucky 5% or so who don’t have to do their own marketing, then fantastic for them. I think for the majority of writers the only upside of going with a publisher is getting their book in stores, like Barnes & Noble.
Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books?

If you want a step by step to marketing, I honestly have no idea. It’s a process I’m barely able to understand and am still trying to learn.
But I learned the BEST advice the other day. Maybe it can put writing into perspective:At first, it can kind of be insulting, like, “Excuse you, it took me forever to write this punk and the characters were being beastly the entire time. I can cook a dumb hamburger in 10 minutes on the stove, thank you very much.” But that’s the point, isn’t it? Make more. Write more. Never stop.
I’m not a one hit wonder. Chances are you’re not a one hit wonder, if you’re a writer. And that’s okay. We, as indie writers, keep hearing about all these super successful indie writers. We think, “I wanna be like that.” But what do they have in common? TONS of books. So, keep writing. Keeping finishing. Keeping flipping your hamburgers. And ask, “Would you like fries with that?” Personally, I rather work at my own hamburger keyboard than anywhere else. ^-^

What part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book?
Right now, I’m not fully focusing on marketing my first book. I think my time will be better spent completing the series. I will be spending some time putting my novel out there on some of the advertising sites and I’m always up for doing interviews.
I’d also give out free ebook copies in exchange for an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads. But I think the only way to really get more readers is to have more books for them to read. That’s why I’m gonna keep on writing!
That's all the time we have today folks.  Readers, please share if you know of any local writers in the comments below.

Anthi, keep us posted on your work.

More about Anthezar:
From dolls to notebooks to computers, Brittany N. Gonzalez – or Anthezar, as she goes by – has been creating stories ever since she can remember. At one point, there were countless notebooks upon notebooks in her room filled with stories. Now they’re all kept in countless folders on her laptop. She always keeps a small notebook in her purse, though, and always has to come out of the dollar store with a handful more.
The name ‘Anthezar’ was thought up when she was sixteen years old and, over time, it developed as a pen name for herself. She is often affectionately called ‘Anthy’ for short.
When she isn’t writing, she’s reading Harry Potter Fan fiction, playing her favorite video games, watching the latest anime, and cleaning up puppy poopies.

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