
Friday, February 3, 2017

Stealth car,
He had one.  He had the entire nation mad at him. But with the car, he escaped.  One single bullet shot in his direction alerted the sensors of his car, and he would be whisked away and sheltered like a genie in a bottle.
And boy did he disappear, quite a few times daily.
With his mass communication in the form of a tweet, he had a mob of people outside his home at any given moment.
And his decrees were outrageous.
Examples were as such:
The christians will have first access to the new healthcare initiative.
The foreigners will live on their own island starting January 10th,2016.
The naysayers will be banned.
Whoever dares to wear green on Thursdays will pay a tax.
He sent ludicrous and ambiguous decrees that haunted the people.