
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Interview with Kimi Combow-Gill

I'm excited to inform readers that I will be posting interviews with authors on my blog. This is a chance for readers to get to know up and coming writers.
Today I'm interviewing Kimi Combow-Gill.

Kimi writes Nonfiction.  She can be contacted on her blog,, instagram, facebook or twitter.

Kimi grew up in the Vancouver area of BC, Canada. A therapist for over ten years, she graduated from UBC with a Masters in Counseling Psychology.

And onto the interview...

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I have realized that I love to write. I am a counselor by profession and my writing is an extension of my ability to help others. "Still Single? It's Not What You Are Doing- It's How You Are Being" is my first published book, however I do plan to write other books with the intention of helping more people.

Which writers inspire you? Dr. Wayne Dyer, Iyanla Vanzant, Gary Zukov, and the list goes on...

So Kimi, what have you written? 

I recently launched my first book, "Still Single? It's Not What You Are Doing- It's How You Are Being". I have also written articles for and BG magazine. In addition, I have a personal blog where I jot down quotes, inspirations, and my thoughts. Stay tuned for more!

What drew you to write in this genre?

 I love to read self-help books that inspire me to reflect and grow. I guess this is what drew me to write in this genre! :)

Self-Help books huh?  You might get a kick out of this new one I'm reading Tools of Titans:The Tactics, Routines and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers.

When did you decide to become a writer?
I had the thought about 10 years ago inspired by Wayne Dyer's book, The Power of Intention. A few years later I remember saying to myself, "I am going to write a book about this one day!". I was referring to my journey in finding my life partner as well as witnessing my client's and friend's go through similar situations.

I too woke up and said I'm going to write a book one day, but it came from hours of working overnight at a nursing facility and I just knew I had to put my mind somewhere or I was going to go crazy. #workingovernightishard

Do you write full-time or part-time?  
Part-time. I work as a counselor otherwise. I have a private practice and also work in the school system.

How often do you write, and do you have a special time during the day to write? I write when I have the time and when my heart is feeling it.

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Where do the your ideas come from? 

My heart, my profession....

I see that your writing goes beyond what you have written in your books and on your blog.  You also draw from personal experience.  I noticed in one of your articles you wrote about how in the past you often put a wall up with men. That sounds like something I would do.  In fact I became so prolific in putting men in categories that I often bypassed the good ones, almost like I was going to the mall and picking out a pair of shoes by the way they looked instead of the way they fit.

What is the hardest thing about writing? 

Finding the time to write!

I hear ya.  I find my writing during one hour naps my little one takes.  If not for those I'd still be on the first chapter of my book instead of the 10th.  By the way did I tell you I'm working on a novel titled "Oh Brother." Its a YA novel about an adoptive family who takes on a troublesome foster boy.  Keep your eye open for it.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

 It took me approximately 3 years to finish the book that I recently released. (Remember that is part time hours)

Do you ever get Writer’s Block, and do you have any tips for getting through it? 

Yes I do, but then the best thing for me is to step away from the computer and be active in nature. Take a break from writing for a while until my mind clears up.

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Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?

I love Wayne Dyer.

For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?

 I grew up with paperbacks so I prefer that but I have been reading more ebooks lately as times are a changing!

Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you? 

I have an editor that edits my books.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit? 

Yes I do this- how did you know!?

Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?

 Yes, the cover is the first thing people notice when buying your book.

What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing against being published or the other way around?

  Since it is the first book I have published and self-published, the learning curve has been steep and I still continue to learn every day. I find it fun to learn new things and this has been a fun project.

Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books? 

 Start early. I didn't start until my book was published. However, start marketing while you are still in the writing phase or even research phase. Start to build your brand early on.

What part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book? 

As stated above, I didn't market while I was writing my book. Now that my book is published, it is all about marketing. However marketing includes writing articles as a guest post, etc. So I am still writing!

That's all the time we have today folks, contact Kimi at
beautiful, close-up, color

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