
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Alexandra comes to Trin Carl's Blog

I'm excited to inform readers that I will be posting interviews throughout the month. This is a chance for readers to get to know up and coming writers.
Today I'm interviewing Alexandra Christina
Alexandra writes book reviews, interviews with authors, and bookish news.  You can find her on her blog and on Instagram and Twitter.
What are your ambitions for your blog?
I feel like I can really express myself more in a blog post than in a short Instagram/ Twitter caption so I made my blog in order to talk more about my favorite post, do discussions and post more in-depth reviews. Hopefully I can influence more readers this way.

I totally get the idea behind using your blog as a way to express yourself. This blog has been up for at least six years and as I page through various post I definitely see the changes and progression in my writing and within myself.
Which writers inspire you? In terms of bloggers, Jananee from headinherbooks , and Nikki from inspire me to think outside the box and try to write interesting blog posts. In terms of real published authors, David Arnold is my biggest inspiration. I love all of his books and he inspires me to write my own book someday (hopefully).

David Arnold, Huh? He's a new writer to me. I had to check out his page and noticed that he writes Young Adult novels. Seems to be be someone I should be reading as I, too, write YA and will hopefully be publishing my first novel "Oh Brother" in 2017.

How much research do you do? When I post book reviews of diverse novels I usually research to see if there's any problematic issues I missed. I don't really research for any other blog post because I don't feel the need to. Also, I am currently working on my novel: brainstorming, researching etc. Right now I am creating my own world inspired by Scottish, Russian and more.. little parts combined, you know? So I research a lot about how everything looks and clothing.

What are your ambitions for your blog? I feel like I can really express myself more in a blog post than in a short Instagram/ Twitter caption so I made my blog in order to talk more about my favourite post, do discussions and post more in-depth reviews. Hopefully I can influence more readers this way.
It seems you have a handle of world culture, I noticed that one of your reviews is written in Romanian. This particular review will entice diverse readers to follow your blog.

How often do you post?
I usually try to write and post at least once a week. That's not a lot compared to other book bloggers but I have important exams this year and I try to focus on them.

Where do the your ideas come from?
I usually check out some of my favorite bloggers and look through some old posts of theirs to see if I can find any tags I want to post or any interesting subject that I want to discuss on my own blog. Also, my ideas for blog posts come depending on the book. For example, if I read a book that features some awesome characters and unique clothing I might try to write a blog post where I recreate some of them. In terms of ideas for my novel they come when they want to honestly. I either have a dream or they just pop up in my head during the day.
I like one of your first Blog interviews with an author: The Kendare Blake interview. This particular question you posed to her: What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question? I could definitely see myself adding this sort of inquiry to my interviews.  You seem to have a knack for interviews maybe you'll be the next Oprah or Billy on the Street.

What is the easiest thing about writing?
In my opinion, writing about things you are passionate about. I find it really easy writing about my favourite book or my favourite characters or about a place I went to that I loved.
What is your favourite motivational phrase?
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
To stop judging myself, find my true passions and have more self-esteem; to find those good friends and create something that I will be proud of.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Orlando Bloom. Why? Because I love him. Besides that, maybe David Arnold, Sarah J. Maas, Nicola Yoon or J. K. Rowling because they are my favourite writers.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing as far as content? Writing reviews about books where there's really not much to say or choosing books for posts like "top 5", "top 10" etc. In terms of writing a book, the beginning. I can't for the life of me think of how to start my book. If anyone has any ideas or tips on the first chapter just let me know.
What do your fans mean to you?
 I wouldn't consider my followers fans but they mean the world to me. I love the fact that they always support me, my pictures and my posts. I love that they give me recommendations or advice. I just feel really awesome knowing I have some amazing friends here.
Lastly Alexandra, what do you do for fun?

Reading, blogging or photography. Even going outside helps but not as much if I go alone.

Bloggers, this is all the time we have today. You can get in touch with Alexandra on ,and on Instagram and Twitter.

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