
Saturday, December 5, 2015

I was thinking apricot-y

This is chit chat I overheard from three women talking to one another.

Well hello! A younger woman said  enthusiastically, I thought she was the witch from the Wizard of OZ.  She approached an older woman selling crafts at a coffee shop.  (They clearly knew each other.)
Well, Hi Sarah!
“This is Deena.”  The younger woman said, “The woman I told you about. She does everything, ain’t that right Deena?”
Yes.  I work at Northwest, I am a publicist and a writer, and I am a small business owner.
What else am I? Said the older woman to the younger.
You’re a cancer survivor.
Yes, then there’s that. 
By the way I love your hair Deena.  And it’s Curly. 
What color would you say it is?
I was thinking apricot-y.
“Oh, and did I tell you?   I’m getting married this year!”  Exclaimed the older women, “We’re going to have a shin-dig across the border in Mexico.”
Oh really, my son’s seeing a girl, and they met in Mexico.  They live outside Montreal, can‘t think of the name. Cornwell, I think it is.
The two women stood, not able to sit, not sure when the older woman was going to finish the introduction portion of the conversation; the time when most people would take theirs seats.  The woman not related to the soon to be married individual began looking around anxiously, no doubt wandering if it was time to sit or move on to the business of buying crafts.