
Friday, January 11, 2019

Buttermilk Butter Berry Crumb Cake

Its hard to find blogs that really strike you but I think I found one today .  This blog is really the most elaborate, most detailed, most gorgeous dessert baking blog I came across today.  Mowie Kay, the writer, out does himself with huge handmade food houses made out of cashews, walnuts and dried fruits, as well as coffee cakes and loafs of bread.  Mowie Kay is a travel photographer which obviously adds to his delightful food writing posts.  His posts are published in magazines across London and beyond and you can tell why: shimmering gold touches are added to platters and spreads.  Colorful holiday backgrounds to add to the setting he's trying to establish in her pictures., I like this blog because along with the beautiful pictures of sprouts and beat salad recipes are long, extensive stories that describe the writer's life outside of just cooking.  I walk away feeling like I'm with the writer, Sara Forte,  on her journey to and fro her relative's homes, to her favorite shops to buy the food for her famous recipes, to get-togethers with her friends, and thinking about her loved one's who are sick.  Here is a recipe called Buttermilk Butter Berry Crumb Cake