
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Story #7 Smatterings from a man's conversation with a stranger

Smatterings from a man's conversation with a stranger

My grandma's got Alzheimer’s.
She died of malnutrition.
She's got demensia, memory loss.

She used to come over all the time.
Grandpa lived at 1037 Duluth.
With grandma
She was a west-sider.
She went to Coral Lebanese Deli.
"Emily's" was a Furniture place.

Was she a big woman?  (The man across the aisle finally asks)

No-She was thin and beautiful.
She lived at the test nursing home.
I feel sorry for her.
She would be 94.
Almost 100.
The president would give her. . .

Is she dead?

No, she's still living.
Her sister Pauline was gay.
She died in terminal.  With Aides.
She said gay life was terminal.
She wanted to be a woman.
Darlene was her sister.
Angie died of stomach cancer.
Linda Compman
Was a friend of my mother's/Father's-
She said I don't want to talk about Obama
Her name is Ale.

(The man across from the stranger changes the topic and starts talking about a bakery.)

Was it a Danish pastry shop?
I love Danish pastry.
They had a fire.
He knew everything in Arthur's store.
My father used to send me to run errands.
My brother went up north.

(The man across the aisle brings up the bakery shop again and the stranger asks a question about it)

Did she make homemade pudding?


Yeah....  I know a person who makes good pancakes.
I know a woman in Virginia who doesn't like eggs.
Do you like eggs?

What?  (Says the stranger, surprised at the question)

Do you like whoppers?


Are you a vegetarian?

Are you okay? (The stranger finally asks)

Liza Minnelli.
I should have asked her for her autograph.
Liza Minnelli's daughter.
She married five times.
She was great.
Judy Garland.
I like that record
Felt sorry.   I would have helped her.
She was only 47 when she died.
I think it was an accident.
Do you think Judy Garland committed suicide?


Ye . . . She died on June 23, 1969.
I was only four years old.
I seen the Wizard of Oz.
It was at the Orpheum.

Frank Morgan was a scarecrow
West Fields was supposed to be a wizard
He was an alcoholic


Frank Morgan.
I like the part when she falls asleep.
The first scenes were in black and white.

(The man gets up to make his way to the door)

Are you going downtown?
I gotta go downtown
The metro is closed on Saturday
My transfer expired
No transportation.
My buss pass expired.

(The stranger switches the conversation to the topic of weather)
Yes, it’s supposed to be snow showers today.
I'm going to the store on Wednesday
I like milk
I take out the recycling on Wednesday.
It's not hard.
I don't like to work much.  I'm sorta lazy.

I think we know that. (Says the stranger)

Grandma was on welfare.
How much does it cost for people with disabilities to get on the bus?

I don't know.

How much does it cost for the elderly?

Seventy-five cents.

Does it really?
How much does it cost for kids?

Ask your kids.
Look at that beautiful coat.
I'm just having a coffee.
I'm on a diet.
I'm broke.
I like Burger King.
I don't live very far from here.

(The stranger walked out of Burger King sm