
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

One minute free write on The Field Trip

Teacher Sister Muna  is known as the strictest teacher.  She gathered her permission slips in hand, shuffling them in order like a deck of cards.  Muna was well known to be  so strict that even graduating seniors asked Amal bitterly if Sister Muna still worked at the school.  Fearfully, they recalled days of detention and Sister Muna's strong hearted words.  She had no remorse, even for the smartest students.  Muna seemed excited for the going-ons of the field trip.  "It'll be great to see the parents of these lofty Muslim students," she said sarcastically to Amal.  "These parents come into our classrooms everyday claiming how well behaved their kids are at home, they can't imagine how they can do anything wrong." But Amal doesn't respond the same way as Muna does to the gradual increase of chaperons, she's just glad to have a handful of parents in attendance.