
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Free write 3 on Nurse Mary Jo

Free write 3 on Nurse Mary Jo
The problem was she wasn't born a man, could not lift this man.  In her haste, she shouted at the caregiver, knowing that Marybeth would be there in 15 minutes.  "Help me get these depends off.  There's a pad behind you, grab that shirt as well. Start wiping, no from the tip downward.  There you go, get that wet shift off him.  Here, let me help you."  They pull off the shirt over his head, Donovan brings his arms up without a fuss, he's used to the pulls and pushes of nurses.  They pulled off the heavy maroon cardigan as it got caught on his enormous head.  The Caregiver gives it a tug and it releases, hitting the the back wall behind the mattress in its force.  The Caregiver brightens at this small success.  They lift his bare chest off the floor.