
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Two minute Free Write

 Two minute Free Free
Sitting down with Grandma Ida, her Grandma Ida pulls back the silver lid to the baking pan that holds her infamous peanut butter bars.  She gazes at her grandaughter Huffy as she makes a choice.  Grandma Ida had been fussing with the brown-tan braided rug and dusting the rotary phone before Huffy arrived but she settled herself now in the sling back chair reminiscent of the 70's era. She made one last adjustment to the green ceramic tray, replacing sugar frees with Werther Originals, Huffy's, father's favorite candy.  Grandma Ida always placed the best candy for the day Huffy's father came to visit.  The happiest day of  Ida's life was when Huffy's father came to ask Grandpa for his daughter's hand in marriage.  Her father returned from Nam in one piece which was more than she could say for the many other sons who widowed their daughter's within the first year of marriage. No bother, they were all patriots, but it freed her mind to think her daughter would have a child one day.