
Thursday, August 21, 2014

teaching at Al-Amal-owl moon

that year teaching at al amal consisted of a lot of things but some of the most memorable moments had to be the times, when I wrote or read with the students, "owl moon" having the students imagine a windy stormy storm ship or life in ethiopia, reminding them to eat all of their food as kids in haiti barely have any food, or writing personal narratives and having them share them, or having a group of boys sitting in thier kamiz on a stariwell greet you and say hi because they knew you were a teacher, or the numerous foundraisers, or the numerous staff meetings, and getting hugs from memoona at lunch time, or sitting in "The lab" in order that me or the Arabic teacher could learn how to put a gradebook together. or walking throughout the hallways during class sessions and seeing all the different teachers deliver different lessons and being able to sit in on those lessons as you walked by, or remembering what it would be like to teach at the highschool level. Having the kids see a hundered different fairy books, and books that they had earned, and feeling like my classroom smelled like a freshly cut forest as the kids ran around with antibacteria wipes too clean each individual desk. And then I would come home and dance in front of our kitchen buffet so that my reflection would bounce off the clear cabinet doors and I would think of the happiness of my grandma, and how similar we two were, the kindness of our hearts.
Later I would remind a student to be nicer to another student, as there heart was soft and I would see them shoulder to shoulder in friendship. the countless letters and amounts of forgiveness that would be showered in to one another.

That year I would do countless research, little girls would have dozens and dozens of books, and I would be excited for them, as I knew how smart they would be when they grew up and how much knowledge they would be able to share with one another, as they scored 52 out of 52 on a math test in one half an hour. or other students wandered in amazement how they had recieved so many books and were they rich?

I would be amazed by the brillance of having students create writers webs and sitting and reading over writing journals that contained letters to their mom and dad (baba) and they would do extra credit assignments and be excited when a parent brought in cupcakes for the whole class to share, and this would be quite the thrill blecause they would be quite the excitement 

as I would wear skinny jeans under long abayos and collaspe in prayer every morning, before school started.