
Friday, August 22, 2014

Taekwando at Parnassus school

Grade A+-

Learning Taekwando during gym time instead of Gym... Learning spanish and Latin in the first grade all in one day....playing with the spanish teacher...and him telling the kids the spanish way of saying American Idioms.... Having your students stand when called upon, it is possible...
The other day while teaching at Parnassus, one learns what it would be like to learn taekwondo at the elementary level, the riches of this sort of eduction, and level of preparation on behalf of the teachers, was really quite amazing...and with that being said, we look at what made that school work..books that directly coorelated with what they were learning, writing it in their planners what they learned...precolonial america and journaling about it..then the stories by teachers that help reinforce those ideas...these kids with their artificial classrooms, where they learn on cement floors and chairs with tennis balls on them, and the classroom has this feeling of superiority towards teachers, as students stood everytime they gave an answer to a question, as the student respected whatever the teachers said, even during language classes like Latin and spanish...students knew what they were allowed to do and what they couldn't do...they loved challenges and found learning interesting and drew pictures of british flags to enhance journal entries...