
Friday, August 22, 2014

Shriner's Hospital for Children
-I came from a hospital or where you meet young men from Ireland who speak wickedly about the many music concerts that they’ve attended.
Even in leg braces that puncture the inner bone. You could picture the “pubs” just by, the way he wonderfully spoke about them.
Unfortunately besides all the pizza brigades and late night roaming around the hospital, the only real fun I would ever find is just barely listening to him and a young Shiners activities counselor speak about going to the concerts, her hair shaved bald, head banging out of face out of mind.
You’ll find tat their wiliness to go into a mosh pit is ever more great than a Vietnamese young man who is just getting his death metal group off the ground. His first c.d. published called Cannibal Corpse, or is that the band for which I came to attend for the very first time at First Avenue, semi interest in death metal begins in 11th grade, where for five hours at a time you get to see the head bangers who purposely grew their hair out, including Kenny. I left him there after one hour, my faith told me that this place wasn’t a great one to begin a life of hard drinking or knocking my brains out with all the head-banging. My death metal friend could