
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Continuation3 of Her Mamma Makes it Better

Continuation3 of Her Mamma Makes it Better
“Mom, I need that recipe.”  Huffy states while stammering her feet.  She takes a piece of hair in her mouth and yells once again “Mom, I need that recipe.”  Her mother balances the wireless phone on her shoulder, pushing her daughter away, in-gloving her face with her right hand, while pushing her inside the door way, locking her inside the kitchen.  Her mother’s on the phone with an egg yolk shampoo company to see if they’ll sponsor a few products for her son’s cub scout fund raiser.  Being behind the locked door doesn't stop Huffy, from continuing her mantra, "I need that recipe, I need that recipe."  She bangs the door viciously rattling the wood against the door frames.  "Mom, I know you hear me! I need that recipe." Her mother's fast pace decision making is not lost on Huffy who knocks on the door three times before crossing the kitchen in order to access to the door that leads to the backyard.  She runs across the backyard's deck, slowly making her way to the side of the house, jumping up to look through several of the living room windows to capture what she hopes will be her mother in the living room.  She's not here.  She thinks to herself.  She looks up at the blue awning observing it for the first time, trying to think of an idea to gain access to the area of the house where her mother is.