
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

10 Minute Free Write

10 Minute Free Write
Camp Tanadoona #Milky Way Galaxy #Fat Kid
"Stop it" she said.  Willard poked her with the pine needed the fifth time that day.  Being the short girl at camp made her the likely victim.  "Stop it, stop it" she screamed once again.  If he wasn't so stalky, she'd push the fat kid over, get her brothers to beat em' up.  But as it was, her brothers were too fascinated in the camp to notice her.  Camp Tanadoona was a week long camp away from home.  Which meant that if she didn't find a way to beat him soon, she'd be tortured the whole week by fat Willard and his grubby hands.  How he found a way to keep hold of a pine needle thinner than any food he indulged was beyond Tina. 
 "Don't worry, we'll get him." yelled Alice, who was sitting next to her. She was screaming out loud to one of the camp's theme songs, "Camp. Tanadoona Camp. Tanadoona Camp. Tanadoon Camp."
"How can you say that?" Tina scream back. Alice tempered her voice at the song's second key change and told her, her plan to get back at Willard.
 "You see... every year, the camp counselors meet at a cabin called "Milky Way" .  Funny the way the camp named each of its cabins after the constellations in the galaxy.  Alice and Tina were in "The Big dipper", that's how they met.
 "Go on." said Tina. "Well, you see... "The Milky Way" is where the counselors put on skits and games for the campers." Alice explained.  "Now, we'll just have Willard volunteer for the "Dare You to Laugh" game.  In the game, camp counselors try to come up with ways to get the campers to laugh and if they do, the campers are singled out and forced to play "Truth or Dare". We'll dare him to tell us who he likes.  "Who he likes-?  "Don't worry, he won't say you, and when he mentions another other girl at camp, we'll say 'I dare you to kiss her', and when he can't we'll taunt him, and remind him of this fact the rest of his stay at camp."