
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Six minute writing prompt

Six minute writing prompt on a topic called
Her Diet
Her diet was extremely OCD.  She took off all the skin from her chicken, remove each pea from her fried rice.  Noodles with butter and no meat sauce.  Chocolate for days.  Sour cream and onion chips.  Where were the fruits? Where was the protein?  Where were all the things she needs?  On a good day, this same junk foodie chased and investigated the location of her boo.  The one who ran around town with a gang of his friends and a litter of girls.  The one she had loved and would fight for, if she had to.  And fight she did.  She sped down local streets at fifty miles an hour with her best friend next to her.  Her best friend braced herself for every sudden stop.  She had plans to find him and in return rip out the girl’s hair. A cat fight.  She’d like to give him a piece of her mind, but she couldn’t because the minivan served as her patrol car.  That made car chase much more humorous.