
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#107 Sandra and the Stiller SNOW

On the morning of the day of the Snow.  It was like a  morning that no one could picture .  But it was there,steadfast falling.


Falling on the roads, falling where most people had to get out .  Out where Josephine practically kicked down the door of her own house, as the door was heavily barricaded by the snow.

Sandra said that she'd meet Joe downtown, so they could eat at "Safari".  Reviewers of the newspaper had sent in so many comments, that now Sandra would have to go to another Arabian diner, just to prove her criticism on "Big Banger's Deli".  And that "Safari" was far better in comparison.

 It was all over the paper, so Sandra knew it was time that she got down to writing an even better review.  The fact that she originally perceived that she could get away with writing the whole critique on "Big Banger's Deli" and get away with it, made Sandra chuckle.  But she  tossed her thick, black.  hair over her shoulder and mumbled to herself, "Ahhh well..."


Her nasally, throaty laughter, made her shrug to herself.  She should have known the way the owner walked over to her that day, that there was something mysterious going on, the way he had been soooooooooo nice to her: applauding her review, saying it was 'essential' to business.  He repeated various lines that she had written in the paper, the good ones.  He applauded her, and showed her off to other workers.
They looked over at her, from underneath their paper, chef hats, their Arabian curls barely makin' it into their hats, and cascading across their forehead.

 The took her in, smiled and mumbled things in Arabic to the owner, who talked back to them: smiling all the more to Sandra's displeasure of not knowing that much Arabic.


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