
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sandra-Betty Boop Top

"The piece is fine, but i think i will need one more taste of Mideastern food to tie up the loose ends and put it together"

Sandra yawned, sat upright in her chair; her tight denim jeans and thin legs coming close together and getting up, she looked at her long black hair in the mirror, matting it down a couple of times, and taking a brush through it, she dashed a thin line of mascara through her dark brown eye lids, and smacked her lips after adjusted her dark red lipstick.  She dashed down the stairs, taking her small sweater and her notepad, and jumped in her Betty Boop car on the way to Lala's house.  Her friend's Mom was always home, but Lala, she wasn't so sure. Her apartment was smack dab in the middle of downtown Minneapolis, and Lala could be anywhere shopping or meandering the sky ways, and local friends houses nearby.  Upon reaching the apartment, Sandra glossed the apartment's building code's before she met with the B: Ms. Lala B. And then buzzed Lala's apartment. 

 "Muy, Kafha halok?" said Sandra, " Oh Sandraaaaaaaaa" Muy's lovely voice rang with sweetness and love. Muy, was short for Mom, and Sandra knew it gave her certain pleasure in calling her that. Muy already being the mother of eight and all...

" Come, Come" Muy said, in her simple English. '

She buzzed Sandra in, as the apartment's security guard just gave her a Small smile and Sandra returned it with even a bigger one.  "Just visiting a friend" said Sandra.  The guard was all too familiar with Sandra, it amazed her every time to see Sandra with her the other Moroccan women together.  Sandra in her tight denim jeans while the women wore abaya's that could fit two or three women in them, their long dresses cascading across the floor and Sandra in her Betty Boop top, and white sneakers.

She sat on one of the big cushioned couches and observed, taking out her small Arabic dictionary, she began to try to catch Arabic words as the flung out towards Muy's daughter Fatimah.  She knew that most verbs began with ya, depending on the tense:past, present or future., and could be easily scanned in the dictionary, when she cut off that prefix.  Fatimah must have been so happy that day to see her.  Her hug nearly collapsed Sandra into the couch.

 "My gosh", Sandra said, "You act like you haven't seen me in long time", Sandra brushed a long strand of black hair behind her ear and laughed.  despite the fact that Fatimah was almost forty-five, she fit right in with the younger, middle aged women.

Lala B, wasn't there, and Muy wanted to go to the market, it was Friday.  They would go after the masjid.  " "Ohhhhh I forget", exclaimed Sandra. 

Now she would have to busy herself while she waited for the women to put on their traditional garb and Islamic dress.  That was fine.   She was armed with a pen and a piece of paper.  She began to leaf through her Arabic dictionary, glancing at words, noting them.

Earlier post on Sandra

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