
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Little Boe Peep lost her Skyscraper

Brenda absolutely lovvvvvveeeeed her new job as a dancer.   It was hard sometimes comin' by clients who needed her for different shots whether in a music video or in a Hollywood movie.  But when she wasn't shooting, she spoke with her agent, Nasir about where they could try to get more publicity, what sort of crazy stunts she should do in public to get the media's attention, and who was throwing what party, and how she would get noticed.
Nasir sat there that day in his tight shiny blue tux.  He had worn it because they were to meet a particular client that would get Brenda's name heard.  He sat flexing his hands a couple time at his desk, and typing with some speed and seriousness.  To his right sat his sleek black, client phone, and to the left trays on top of trays of organized venues, and places for choreographers to drop off their CV.
 He had several clients, and they dropped by with an appointment.  He always smiled, looked at them appreciatively, and added their background sheet to the many others; their pictures attached, grinning back at him, menacingly.  Behind him sat his studio's sound system and in front of him a large window showing off Toronto's skyscrapers and buildings that pushed to the sky with a velocity that excited and enthralled him.  Whenever he had the chance, he'd pull out a sketchbook and drawed those buildings. He said they were his Jaan, his love.  He'd go and kiss each one if he had a chance and then draw some more to his delight.

Toronto was beautiful in the summer, its Yonge Street strode with tons of restaurants.  Each one hanging its restuarant's name in beautiful etched letters.  Most unrecognizable but the everyday citizen, only grabbing the attention of the the person who sought out the restaurant, as it spoke to them, in their Language:Kimchee, Fuud, Tah Lao, etc.  The Person, who met with its equal gaze would pardon that resturant and park, take in the familiar place and eat with such natural inhibition. Thats what Nasir loved about Toronto.  He'd spent many of a night taking clients to these wanderful restaurants, as he remembered, Brenda occasionally in tow, she'd always wear her red tube dress that met to her knees.  And he'd show her off, as if she was some sort of Geisha, she sat flirtingly and smiling.  If that dress didn't catch the attention of one and all, thought Nasir, then nothing would.  Brenda stood nearly 5'11, and her muscular tanned dancers legs met clients eyes as if she were a hot giraffe running across the sahara.

Earlier post on Brenda

